Our innovative LDPE BOARDS  solutions will help optimise project execution process and bring significant time and cost reduction.
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Multipurpose solutions

individual solutions

Different configurations may be used in order to meet Client expectations  

temporary addoption

Whenever temporary and quick adoption of surface is needed

Flexibility & lightweight

Flexible and lightweight boards can be  eaisly moved and used in different places without heavy  equipment  

Individual requirements and expectations

individual color

Wide pallet of colours can be ordered

designed for purpose

Wide offer can meet every expectations

Multi dimensional

Wide range of dimensions can be offered in order to fit the purpose.

solution for heavy transport and machinery

Heavy machines

Irrespectively it is construction stage or renovation, your backyard, road, grass or walkways can be protected

good protection

If you love your lawn or garden  but need to allow machinery to let in

No road? no problem!!!

Wherever you need to drive

Temporary solution

parking spot

Temporary parking spot is one of the examples of board usage

storage for cargo and equipment

Temporary storage, exposition of equipment for sale or just area  which is easy to maintain and keep clear

no barrier

How to force undrivable barriers without damages, either machinery or surface 

best protection


Irregular surface is not the problem

protect the surface

Solid surface also need protection

protect the goods and stuff

Not only surface requires protection. Take care of your machinery and goods

Innovative  solutions

Our AWO board solutions allow project to optimise process of temporary road and areas construction. Fully sufficient road and ground protection helps to reduce maintenance to minimum. Fully flexible and mobile solution supports quick relocation of boards without
heavy equipment what can additionally benefit process and reduce sources. Less
downtime, more productivity.

save your time, founds and sources