The best temporary road solution

   Before we start execution of the new project or just initiative, the best practice is to prepare proper plan and budget. During planning stage will be necessary to find suitable solutions. During that process we have to consider many factors.
When we talk about temporary roads or areas, will be necessary to consider several factors.    Among others aspects the most important will be material cost, but also transport, assembly and maintenance. Therefore, lets see what option are available on the market.
Having long experience in industry we could see several solutions. Lets try to evaluate and collect main advantages or dis-advantages  certain options.
   Firstly, as one of the oldest materials used by human, we can take a look at any type of wooden mats. We have seen few examples of usage that material. Theoretically not that heavy material (while dry), but ....... Exposed on different weather condition, basic wood type absorbs water. Automatically wooden  mats become heavier. If we add into it low temperatures (especially below 0 degrees), degradation process starts. Of course it is possible to use higher density wood which doesn't absorb water and is much more durable, but the weight and price is going drastically up. For example dry pine weight is approx. 100kg/m2 but moisture may weight 160kg/m2. If we use harder wood such as oak the weight is 140kg/m2. The wood used for heavy transport or cranes must have 20cm thickness and should be made from special wood such as azobe. Weight of that kind of mat is 240kg/m2 when we consider 12% moisture. 
   As we can conclude, that basic material which is wood doesn't give easy solution. In order to transport timber mats, we need to use full cargo truck and use heavy equipment for offloading and assembling temporary road or protect the ground.

   Second solution commonly used for temporary roads are steel plates. That solution brings some benefits. Durable and relatively flexible material can be easily used for temporary roads and ground protection. Putted on soft ground will spreed the weight effectively. However also for that solution will be necessary to use heavy transport and equipment. The weight of steel plate which has  20mm thickness is approx. 160kg/m2. Therefore it is the same heavy as hard wood. The only advantage is volume. While timber mats have to have 20cm thickness, steel plates only 20mm. It doesn't change the fact that tracks have the weight of cargo limits. Additional benefit is that corrosion of steel plates is incomparably slower than timber mats Therefore, for large scale initiatives, transport, offloading and assembly will consume significant portion of out time and budget. 

   One of the solution used is reinforced concrete boards. But that solution doesn't bring so many benefits. Durable boards are very heavy. The weight can be even 375kg/m2. It is possible to optimise the weight by having openwork boards but all depends of durability requirements. Moreover, that king of material may be easily damaged during transportation, assembly or exploitation. Therefore, very often, 20-30% of material is damaged after completion of project. Of course investor is the one who will have to pay for it. To sum up - heavy, so costly transport and assembly solution. Additionally non resistant on damages what significantly increase cost of investment. Seems that only benefit may be accessibility. Many manufacturers can offer that material locally. Conclusion is that such solution isn't the best choice for temporary roads. 

   We can move into modern solutions. Lets look at first on HDPE boards. High density polyethylene boards. Indeed it is modern solution which introduces new standards. The weight of the HDPE boards is significantly lower comparing to previously evaluated materials. In order to get required durability, most common thickness is 40mm. In that case the weight is 32kg/m2. Therefore five times lighter than commonly used steel plates. It isn't difficult to calculate level of savings given by that solution. However is worth to mention that board with dimensions 1,5 x 3,0m will weight over 140kg. It is still difficult to handle that manually, so some equipment will be definitely needed for assembly process of temporary roads.

   Modern solutions doesn't ends on HDPE boards. Looking after best solutions, AWO introduced LDPE boards. Low density polyethylene moves that industry to higher level. Very durable and at the same time flexible boards brings solutions for many challenges. Solutions not achievable for other materials. Specification of that material gives possibility to reduce thickness of the board down to 20mm and keep durability on the required level. The weight is 18kg/m2 and therefore standard board weight is 81kg. That gives unprecedented alternative to all previously evaluated materials. Cost of transport and assembly can be reduced to minimum. Hence time needed for transport and assembly is also reduced . All that optimisations will impact the budget of the project positively. The weight of the board allows for manual handling if necessary. Thinner boards such as 10mm can be easily handled by two technicians. It has special importance when is necessary to operates on areas without access for heavy machines, Otherwise, we want to let machines go but without damaging surface. Multipurpose application in various fields makes that solution most profitable for investors. Regardless of demands, AWO board can be used for temporary roads, protection of surfaces or many other solutions. For more details and examples feel free to visit our home page